Lijuan McQuillan

Fine Artist in Ireland

Tree Hole

Oil on Canvas


This painting has sold to CIAS (Contemporary Irish Art Society).

Wuhan whistle-blower Dr Li Wenliang remembered one year on 7th of February. Dr Li was told by police to “stop making false comments” and was investigated for “spreading rumours” after he tried to warn fellow medics of a disease that looked like SARS – another deadly coronavirus in February 2020. Dr Li’s personal page on Weibo – the Chinese equivalent of Twitter- had become a rare space for users to express themselves about the trauma of the coronavirus pandemic. One year later after he died with Covid-19, his page, called “Tree Hole” was inspired by the story of The King with Donkey Ears, were flooded with hundreds and thousands of messages tributed. People seeing him as a hero as well as a brother and son. They left messages are not only related to this deadly disease or politics but mainly of chat with daily life.

Oil on Canvas


This painting has sold to CIAS (Contemporary Irish Art Society).

Wuhan whistle-blower Dr Li Wenliang remembered one year on 7th of February. Dr Li was told by police to “stop making false comments” and was investigated for “spreading rumours” after he tried to warn fellow medics of a disease that looked like SARS – another deadly coronavirus in February 2020. Dr Li’s personal page on Weibo – the Chinese equivalent of Twitter- had become a rare space for users to express themselves about the trauma of the coronavirus pandemic. One year later after he died with Covid-19, his page, called “Tree Hole” was inspired by the story of The King with Donkey Ears, were flooded with hundreds and thousands of messages tributed. People seeing him as a hero as well as a brother and son. They left messages are not only related to this deadly disease or politics but mainly of chat with daily life.



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